This one took me a while to figure out, which is reason enough to post it here.
First of all, you’ll need aspell-he
, as pidgin uses gtkspell
(which, in
turn, uses aspell
) rather than enchant
(which supports hspell
). There is
a patch for gtkspell
which gets it to use enchant
, but I don’t know of a
simple way to get it to work in my distribution of choice, Ubuntu.
Now you need a neat little plugin from the
Guifications plugin pack, called
SwitchSpell. Unfortunately, it’s in version 2.3.0 of the pack, whereas the
current Ubuntu version is 2.0.0. It’s not complicated to install this from
source though: I’ve detailed the precise installation procedure below; the
confusing thing is that if you forget to install libgtkspell-dev
, SwitchSpell will not be built, but the configure
tells you that it will.