
Shallow and Pedantic

A person/tech/code blog of a coder/techie/person. Like calculus in a kiddie pool, the author of this blog is known to be quite shallow and pedantic.

My alarm clock

YNet was running a story on how to use your computer as an alarm clock. Here’s what I do, for our commandline junkies :)

Here’s ~/bin/run_alarm.sh:


find ~/music/ -name '*.mp3' -print0 | xargs -0 mplayer -shuffle &


for (( i = 0; i <= $MAXVOL; i++ )); do
        amixer set Master $i > /dev/null;
        sleep `echo $TIME / $MAXVOL | bc -l`

This basically plays all of my MP3 files, in random order. The -print0 and -0 arguments make it a null-terminated list, as some (most) files have spaces in their names. This process is backgrounded, and the script proceeds to gradually sweep the volume from 0 to the maximum, for a more gentle wakeup :)

Nokia 6120 Classic

I’ve switched to a Nokia 6120 Classic, and I’ve switched my carrier over to Orange. I’m very happy with it: The price is right, at 0 NIS a month (if your monthly bill adds up to over 100 NIS without it, which it does). It’s very small, but has a nice screen and a respectable 2 megapixel camera. It’s “3.5G”, which means it has a very fast internet connection (I’ve clocked over 50kbyte/sec), and the Symbian S60 operating system lets me use it well - it comes with a very, very nice webkit-based browser and RSS reader, and a fast GMail client is a few clicks away.

Egged Getter 0.1

The Egged Getter has been lost in the mists of time. However, it’s code has largely been integrated into TransportDroidIL. An old version of the Python code has been pasted at the end of this post.

Here’s a little something I’ve been messing with: A simple fetcher script for the Egged (Israeli bus company) site. I’ve made a deskbar applet which uses it, which was fun to do :) (I’m looking for other cool ideas to implement as deskbar applets)

Sour chewing gum

On an online board, friends posted a photo from a party a while back, as I’m chewing some extra-sour chewing gum:

חמוצקי נולד

I find this suitable for use in macro form. For example, in the Computer Security course, we’re going to compromise a windows-based server using a buffer overflow vulnerability. Unfortunately, this means we’re going to have to use (as per the course’s demands) Visual Studio 2003. My response (now known as חמוצקי):


The most recent events in my life which I would consider to be vacations would be the second Lebanon war and my basic training. I love the Technion, but I think it’s high time for some R&R. With no upcoming tests hovering over my head, homework pressure low-to-nonexistent, and my girlfriend’s birthday Murphy’s-law-bendingly coinciding with her getting some leave, this is a perfect opportunity to try my hand at a real vacation.