
Shallow and Pedantic

A person/tech/code blog of a coder/techie/person. Like calculus in a kiddie pool, the author of this blog is known to be quite shallow and pedantic.

Encrypted my Wi-fi

Reading some backlog on this blog, I found the following gem:

It’s a sad state of affairs that people go ahead and limit access to their wireless network. I keep mine wide open - מי שאוכל לבד, מת לבד.

Yeah… not so anymore. For about four weeks (just a bit before the semester started), my net connection was working excrutiatingly slow. Now, we’re four roommates here, so we started blaming each other. But then I had a guess - I encrypted my connection with WPA/TKIP, and presto; the connection is now once again too fast for my browser to handle (…which sent me back to Epiphany). Guys, if you mooch wi-fi, please… be nice about it :(

On Threading vs. Processing

Writing multi-threaded applications in Python is often a headache because of the Global Interpreter Lock - only one Python thread can run at any given moment, which makes multi-threading useful only in the case where all modules but one actually run C code. However, thanks to the impressive new Python Magazine, I’ve stumbled across a package called processing, paraphrasing python’s built-in threading package. Essentially, the package provides an API identical to Python’s threading, but uses processes and pipes (or other mechanisms on non-posix operating systems) instead. What the magazine does not cover is the fact that this can also benefit GUI applications; updating a progressbar in the application doesn’t need to slow down heavy computations being done in a separate thread. To show how easy the integration is, take the following example which shows usage of either threads or processes at the user’s choice:

Tough Question

My girlfriend just asked me what just might be the hardest question I’ve heard all semester; What do I like better, The Simpsons or beer?

Really liking this git thing

I’ve been a very big proponent of Subversion so far, especially as a tool for collaborating on coding homework. However, I’ve recently been trying out Linus’s git. It’s very nice so far, and really seems to be catching on. Some good points:

  • Fast as all hell (much faster than Bazaar, although I haven’t given that the proper attention)
  • No need for a central server; hell, no need for an internet connection at all, everything can be done over USB keys or whatnot
  • No real need to configure any special server; just install git on it
  • Very nice alternative to configuring write-control for all of the users
  • Very easy branching and merging, finally! SVN really shows its weakness here

One thing I couldn’t find out how to do is limiting read-access to git repositories without special server configuration. It would be nice if git had support for .htpasswd-compatible authentication, those are pretty easy to use.