
Git While You Sit 3 - "Rename" edge cases

This is part of the “Git While You Sit” series, a play on Google’s Testing on the Toilet. It’s intended to fit on a printed page. Currently Chrome doesn’t seem to correctly print columns, but Firefox does. {: .no-print }

Sometimes, git does something unexpected while merging or rebasing. It might seem like git misunderstood a rename, but it’s far more likely that git did the “right” thing after all. Here are a couple of examples I’ve seen recently.

First case

When rebasing, conflicts might occur before renames:

o---o---E---F---G (master)
      A---B---RENAME---C (feature *)

When the current branch is feature, and running git rebase master, what happens is that the commits from feature will be cherry-picked onto G in order - A, B, RENAME, and C. If a conflict occurs in B, in a file that was later renamed (in RENAME), conflict resolution will have to happen using the original name. If there was a massive reworking, it might be simpler and more sensible to merge in this case.

Second case

It wasn’t a rename, it was a copy.

--o---E----F [MODIFY]----G (master)
   \                      \
    A---B [COPY]---C---D---M (feature *)

In this case, the user thought he renamed dir1/file.xml to dir2/file.xml in B [COPY]. Then, when he merged master into feature, he expected that the modifications in file.xml in F [MODIFY] would, as part of the merge in M, be applied to dir2/file.xml. This would indeed have happened if B had a move operation. However, it doesn’t make sense for git to merge the changes from a copy of a file, so it didn’t.

The fix here was to undo the merge:

git reset --hard D

…and then edit the commit:

git rebase -i A

…and set B to edit instead of pick. Amend the commit for B so that it doesn’t just create dir2/file.xml, but also deletes dir1/file.xml. If it’s indeed the same file (or has very similar contents), this will be automatically detected as a rename during log and merge operations.

It should be noted that git doesn’t track renames (or copies) at all during commits. It only figures out that they happened retroactively when it’s relevant (log, merge, cherry-pick, diff…), by comparing the contents. This is why those operations have options like rename-threshold, find-renames, find-copies and even find-copies-harder.